Структура таблиц Epicor iScala 2.3 SR2 - 2.03.10355 :: Список таблиц модуля «Stock Control»

Название Таблицы Маска Таблицы Описание Таблицы
SC01 SC01%cc00 SC01 - Stock Item Master Table
SC03 SC03%cc00 SC03 - Item Warehouse
SC04 SC04%cc00 SC04 - Stock Extra Information
SC05 SC05%cc00 SC05 - Serial Numbers
SC07 SC07%cc00 SC07 - Stock Transactions
SC08 SC08%cc00 SC08 - Discount per Product Group
SC10 SC10%cc00 SC10 - Stock Parameters 1
SC11 SC11%cc00 SC11 - Stock Planning
SC13 SC13%cc00 SC13 - Distribution Fees
SC14 SC14%cc00 SC14 - Price Calculations
SC15 SC15%cc00 SC15 - Calculation Parameters 1
SC16 SC16%cc00 SC16 - Serial Number History
SC18 SC18%cc00 SC18 - Supplier/Customer Prices
SC19 SC19%cc00 SC19 - Customer Order Discounts
SC1B SC1B%cc00 SC1B - Stock Budget Profiles 0-4
SC1C SC1C%cc00 SC1C - Stock Budget Profiles 5-9
SC1D SC1D%cc00 SC1D - Calculation Parameters 2
SC22 SC22%cc00 SC22 - Price Calculations Customers
SC23 SC23%cc00 SC23 - Warehouse Master Table
SC24 SC24%cc00 SC24 - Automatic Accounting Table SC
SC25 SC25%cc%yy SC25 - General Ledger Transactions
SC26 SC26%cc00 SC26 - Transaction Index File
SC27 SC27%cc00 SC27 - EC Trade Statistics
SC28 SC280000 SC28 - EC Tax Rep. wrk
SC2A SC2A0000 SC2A - Work File for EC Tax Reports Definition
SC30 SC30%cc00 SC30 - Serial Number Remarks
SC33 SC33%cc00 SC33 - Batch Information
SC34 SC34%cc00 SC34 - Batch Costs
SC36 SC36%cc00 SC36 - Bin Information
SC37 SC37%cc00 SC37 - Stock Item Templates
SC38 SC38%cc00 SC38 - Stock Item Volume Discount Templates
SC39 SC39%cc00 SC39 - Price Lists
SC42 SC42%cc00 SC42 - Stock Taking Lists
SC43 SC43%cc00 SC43 - Batch Extra Description
SC45 SC45%cc00 SC45 - Customer Discounts
SC46 SC46%cc00 SC46 - Discount Templates
SC47 SC47%cc00 SC47 - Discount Codes
SC48 SC48%cc00 SC48 - Discount Descriptions
SC49 SC49%cc00 SC49 - Discount Setup
SC4A SC4A%cc00 SC4A - Template Names
SC4B SC4B%cc00 SC4B - Discount Setup Descriptions
SC50 SC50%cc00 SC50 - Discount Ranges
SC51 SC51%cc00 SC51 - Template Values
SC52 SC52%cc00 SC52 - Discount Accounting
SC53 SC53%cc00 SC53 - Discount Schemas
SC54 SC54%cc00 SC54 - Discount Scheme Descriptions
SC55 SC55%cc00 SC55 - Schema Structure
SC56 SC56%cc00 SC56 - Discount Setup Statistics
SC60 SC60%cc00 SC60 - Shipment
SC61 SC61%cc00 SC61 - Packing List
SC62 SC62%cc00 SC62 - Box Header
SC63 SC63%cc00 SC63 - Box Line
SC64 SC64%cc00 SC64 - Box Element
SC65 SC65%cc00 SC65 - Cycle Count Item Parameters
SC66 SC66%cc00 SC66 - Cycle Counting Class
SC67 SC67%cc%yy SC67 - Cycle Counting Campaigns
SC68 SC68%cc00 SC68 - Counting Parameters
SC69 SC69%cc%yy SC69 - Counting Proposal Header
SC70 SC70%cc00 SC70 - Allocation History
SC71 SC71%cc%yy SC71 - Campaign Parameter Header Details
SC72 SC72%cc%yy SC72 - Counting Proposal Header History
SC73 SC73%cc%yy SC73 - Counting Proposal List Lines History
SC74 SC74%cc00 SC74 - Cycle Counting Parameters
SC75 SC75%cc%yy SC75 - Counting Proposal List Lines
SC76 SC76%cc00 SC76 - iScala Stock Balance History
SC77 SC77%cc00 SC77 - WMS stock balance History
SC78 SC78%cc00 SC78 - Box Handling Picking Proposal
SC79 SC79%cc00 SC79 - Box Handling Reciept work file structure
SC7A SC7A%cc00 SC7A - SC Box Handling Reciept work file structure
SC7B SC7B%cc00 SC7B - Box Handling User-defined fields
SC7C SC7C%cc00 SC7C - Stock Transfer Order Header
SC7D SC7D%cc00 SC7D - Stock Transfer Order Lines
SC7E SC7E%cc00 SC7E - Stock Transfer Order Delivery Lines
SC7F SC7F%cc00 SC7F - STO - linked work orders and purchase orders
SC7G SC7G%cc00 SC7G - Stock transfer order serial number
SC80 SC80%cc00 SC80 - Picking list head
SC81 SC81%cc00 SC81 - Picking list line
SC82 SC82%cc00 SC82 - Picking list line details
SC83 SC83%cc00 SC83 - Picking list serial numbers
SC85 SC85%cc00 SC85 - Picking list head history
SC86 SC86%cc00 SC86 - Picking list line history
SC87 SC87%cc00 SC87 - Picking list line details history
SC88 SC88%cc00 SC88 - Picking list serial numbers history
SC89 SC89%cc00 SC89 - Picking, Warehouse settings
SC8A SC8A%cc00 SC8A - Picking list allocation log
SC8B SC8B%cc00 SC8B - Merged picking lists
SC8C SC8C%cc00 SC8C - Picking module - links to Picking request line
SC90 SC90%cc00 SC90 - Consumed Reservations
SCA1 SCA1%cc00 SCA1 - Rules for MPC WO allocations
SCB1 SCB1%cc00 SCB1 - Stock Control BOM Node
SCB2 SCB2%cc00 SCB2 - Stock Control BOM Name
SCB3 SCB3%cc00 SCB3 - Stock Control BOM Link
SCB4 SCB4%cc00 SCB4 - Stock Control BOM Branch
SCB5 SCB5%cc00 SCB5 - BOM Template Names
SCB6 SCB60000 SCB6 - Work file for ATP Rescheduling
SCB7 SCB70000 SCB7 - Temporary Stock planning table,ATP
SCB8 SCB80000 SCB8 - Work file for splitted lines, ATP
SCB9 SCB9%cc00 SCB9 - BOM Printing Options
SCBA SCBA%cc00 SCBA - Generic Batch Allocations
SCBG SCBG0000 SCBG - Temporary ATP Period table
SCBP SCBP%cc00 SCBP - Bin Location Proposals
SCDB SCDB%cc00 SCDB - Default Bins
SCF1 SCF1%cc00 SCF1 - Exposed Stock Item
SCGL SCGL%cc00 SCGL - General Ledger Transactions (History)
SCH0 SCH0%cc00 SCH0 - Stock Withdrawal Parameters
SCH3 SCH3%cc00 SCH3 - Stock Account Matrix
SCH4 SCH4%cc00 SCH4 - Credit Account Matrix
SCH5 SCH5%cc00 SCH5 - Department
SCI1 SCI1%cc00 SCI1 - Reason Codes descriptions
SCI2 SCI2%cc00 SCI2 - Reason Code features
SCII SCII%cc00 SCII - Inwarding Information
SCK4 SCK4%cc00 SCK4 - Supplier Priorities for Quality Control
SCL1 SCL1%cc00 SCL1 - Batch Tax Transactions
SCLC SCLC%cc00 SCLC - Logistic form Connections
SCLF SCLF%cc00 SCLF - Logistic forms
SCP1 SCP1%cc00 SCP1 - Life Cycle Phase Definition
SCP2 SCP2%cc00 SCP2 - Life Cycle Phase Strings
SCP3 SCP3%cc00 SCP3 - Stock Item Life Cycle Phase
SCT1 SCT1%cc00 SCT1 - Stock Item Extra Batch Information
SCT2 SCT2%cc00 SCT2 - Batch User Authorization
SCT5 SCT5%cc00 SCT5 - Customer/Supplier Control
SCT6 SCT6%cc00 SCT6 - Trace Batch Changes
SCT7 SCT7%cc00 SCT7 - Batch Price List
SCT8 SCT8%cc00 SCT8 - Batch Templates
SCT9 SCT9%cc00 SCT9 - Workorder Batch Trace Connections
SCUC SCUC%cc00 SCUC - unit codes
SCUN SCUN%cc00 SCUN - unit names in different languages
SCW1 SCW10000 SCW1 - Central Warehouse Definition
SCW2 SCW20000 SCW2 - Transaction Warehouse Definition
SCW3 SCW3%cc00 SCW3 - Central Warehouse Picking List Head
SCW4 SCW40000 SCW4 - Central Warehouse Order Process Status
SCW5 SCW5%cc00 SCW5 - Central Warehouse PL Invoice Transfer Table
SCW6 SCW6%cc00 SCW6 - Central Warehouse Tax Transaction Transfer
SCW7 SCW7%cc00 SCW7 - Central Warehouse PL Invoice Transaction Transfer
SCW8 SCW80000 SCW8 - Central Warehouse Order Head Extension
SCW9 SCW90000 SCW9 - Central Warehouse Order Line Extension
SCWA SCWA%cc00 SCWA - Warehouse Area
SCWB SCWB%cc00 SCWB - Central Warehouse Picking List Line
SCWC SCWC0000 SCWC - Central Warehouse Customer Values
SCWD SCWD0000 SCWD - Central Warehouse Order Status and Parameters
SCWE SCWE%cc00 SCWE - Central Warehouse Purchase Statistics Transfer
SCWF SCWF0000 SCWF - Intercompany Serial Number Transfer Transactions
SCWG SCWG0000 SCWG - Delivery Errors
SCWH SCWH0000 SCWH - Central Warehouse Picking List Allocations
SCWI SCWI%cc00 SCWI - Central Warehouse Merged Picking Lists
SCWL SCWL%cc00 SCWL - Central Warehouse Serial Number Transfer
SCWM SCWM0000 SCWM - Central Warehouse Delivery Transactions
SCWQ SCWQ%cc00 SCWQ - Central Warehouse Picking List Log
SCWS SCWS0000 SCWS - Central Warehouse Central VAT Codes
SCWT SCWT0000 SCWT - Central Warehouse Central VAT Code References
SCWU SCWU0000 SCWU - Central Warehouse VAT Macro References
SCWW SCWW0000 SCWW - Central Warehouse Intercompany Delivery Transaction History
SCXP SCXP%cc00 SCXP - Extra Parameters
SCXX SCXX0000 SCXX - Work File for Batch Trace
SCXZ SCXZ0000 SCXZ - Work File for ABC-Analysis
SCZ5 SCZ5%cc00 SCZ5 - Tax Exemptions

Навигация: Структура БД iScala | Epicor iScala 2.3 SR2 - 2.03.10355 | Stock Control