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Структура таблиц Epicor iScala 3.00 (x64) - 3.00.02254 :: Список таблиц модуля «Purchase Ledger»

Название Таблицы Маска Таблицы Описание Таблицы
PL01 PL01%cc00 PL01 - Suppliers
PL03 PL03%cc00 PL03 - Purchase Ledger Invoices
PL04 PL04%cc%yy PL04 - Purchase Ledger Invoice Journal
PL05 PL05%cc%yy PL05 - Purchase Ledger Payment Journal
PL07 PL07%cc00 PL07 - Payment Proposal
PL08 PL08%cc%yy PL08 - Purchase Ledger Parameters
PL09 PL09%cc%yy PL09 - Purchase Ledger Automatic Accounting Table
PL10 PL10%cc00 PL10 - Payment Ledger
PL14 PL14%cc00 PL14 - Shipping Addresses
PL15 PL15%cc00 PL15 - Payment Methods
PL16 PL16%cc00 PL16 - Payment Methods Layouts
PL17 PL17%cc00 PL17 - VAT Transactions
PL18 PL18%cc00 PL18 - Withholding Tax Transactions
PL19 PL19%cc00 PL19 - Suppliers Templates
PL21 PL21%cc00 PL21 - Purchase Ledger Payments
PL22 PL22%cc00 PL22 - Payment Terms PL
PL23 PL23%cc00 PL23 - Payment Terms Descriptions
PL24 PL24%cc00 PL24 - Tax details for prepayment
PL25 PL25%cc00 PL25 - Tax details for payment
PL30 PL30%cc00 PL30 - Check Register
PL32 PL32%cc00 PL32 - User defined parameters
PL33 PL33%cc00 PL33 - Values for user defined parameters
PL44 PL44%cc00 PL44 - Prepayment Documents
PL45 PL45%cc00 PL45 - Extended Bank Info
PL46 PL46%cc00 PL46 - Invoice OCR Payment Reference
PL50 PL50%cc00 PL50 - Payment Proposal Header
PL51 PL51%cc00 PL51 - Payment Proposal Lines
PL56 PL56%cc00 PL56 - Swedish BankGiro, PlusGiro services
PL88 PL88%cc00 PL88 - Check Printout
PL92 PL920000 PL92 - Foreign Payment Temp File I/O
PL93 PL930000 PL93 - Foreign Payment Temp File I/O
PL95 PL950000 PL95 - Russian VAT wrk
PL96 PL960000 PL96 - DueDate report
PL97 PL970000 PL97 - Ledger Statement
PL98 PL98%cc00 PL98 - EC Tax Reports
PLA1 PLA1%cc00 PLA1 - SL account exceptions for revaluation procedure
PLAG PLAG%cc00 PLAG - Payment Proposal MetaData info
PLB1 PLB1%cc00 PLB1 - Transportation Terms
PLB4 PLB4%cc00 PLB4 - Tax note description lines
PLBT PLBT%cc00 PLBT - Blocking Template
PLE0 PLE0%cc00 PLE0 - Spain Payment Parameters
PLH3 PLH30000 PLH3 - Recharge Invoice Accounts Payable Header
PLH4 PLH40000 PLH4 - Recharge Invoice Accounts Payable transaction lines
PLH5 PLH5%cc00 PLH5 - Purchase Invoice Line History
PLH6 PLH60000 PLH6 - Inter-Company Transaction Entry
PLH7 PLH70000 PLH7 - Entities and Amounts for current invoice(Work)
PLHA PLHA%cc00 PLHA - Recharge Invoice Parameters
PLHB PLHB0000 PLHB - Recharge Invoice Parameters - Target Company
PLHC PLHC0000 PLHC - Work file for entering inter-company transactions
PLHD PLHD0000 PLHD - Recharge Invoice Tax amount
PLHE PLHE0000 PLHE - Recharge expense amounts
PLHF PLHF0000 PLHF - Recharge Amounts
PLHG PLHG%cc00 PLHG - Recharge Invoice Distribution Templates
PLI1 PLI1%cc00 PLI1 - Payment Term Instalments PL Header
PLI2 PLI2%cc00 PLI2 - Payment Term Instalments PL Lines
PLI3 PLI3%cc00 PLI3 - Payment Term Instalments PL
PLIN PLIN%cc00 PLIN - Invoice Based Intrastat PL
PLL1 PLL1%cc00 PLL1 - Supplier Tax Exemptions
PLL2 PLL2%cc00 PLL2 - Supplier Payment Balances
PLL3 PLL3%cc00 PLL3 - Payment Proposal Retentions
PLM0 PLM0%cc00 PLM0 - Mandate
PLM5 PLM5%cc00 PLM5 - Bank Account Number for Currency Code
PLMH PLMH%cc00 PLMH - Mandate history
PLPU PLPU%cc00 PLPU - Payment Proposal unique parameters
PLR4 PLR4%cc%yy PLR4 - PL Reversed Transaction
PLRE PLRE%cc00 PLRE - Additional group status reason data
PLSE PLSE%cc00 PLSE - SEPA CRT payments and receipts
PLT7 PLT7%cc00 PLT7 - Temp Tax table for autopayments
PLTC PLTC0000 PLTC - Work File for Printing Tax Certificate
PLTE PLTE%cc00 PLTE - Additional transaction status reason data

Навигация: Структура БД iScala | Epicor iScala 3.00 (x64) - 3.00.02254 | Purchase Ledger