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На один уровень вверх / One level Up: Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.1 — 3.1.0511 :: Список таблиц модуля «Управление Запасами» / List of tables of module «Stock Control»

Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.1 — 3.1.0511 :: Таблица / Table SCW2 — Transaction Warehouse Definition

Таблица / Table: SCW2 — «Transaction warehouse definition». Маска имени таблицы / Table name mask: «SCW20000»

Поле / Field Тип поля / Field Type Тип поля Scala / iScala Field Type Длина поля / Field length Точность / Precision Длина Scala / iScala length Комментарий / Comment Расширенный комментарий / Extended comment Дополнительное описание / Additional description Позиция в индексе / Index position Первичный ключ? / Is Primary key?
SCW2001 NCHAR STRING 2 0 2 UserCompany User Company   1 Да / Yes
SCW2002 NCHAR STRING 6 0 6 TransactionWH Local Warehouse   2 Да / Yes
SCW2003 NCHAR STRING 2 0 2 CWHOwnerCompany Central Owner Company      
SCW2004 NCHAR STRING 6 0 6 CWH Central Warehouse      
SCW2005 NVARCHAR VSTRING 10 0 10 SupplierCode Supplier Code      
SCW2006 NVARCHAR VSTRING 10 0 10 CustomerCode Customer Code      
SCW2007 NVARCHAR VSTRING 2 0 2 Pricelist Price List      
SCW2008 NVARCHAR VSTRING 3 0 3 LanCode Language      
SCW2009 NVARCHAR VSTRING 4 0 4 NotUsed (obsolete)      
SCW2010 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 CreditCheck Credit Check Customer 1 — Customers will be credit checked during the picking list creation.

0 — No credit check will take place.
SCW2011 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 AllowOrders Ready to Use 1 — Order lines can be entered to this warehouse from the company defined

0 — Order lines can not be entered to this warehouse from the company defined
SCW2012 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 BlockZeroLimit Block When Limit is Zero 1 — Zero is treated as an actual credit limit.

0 — Zero is treated as an infinite credit limit.
SCW2013 INT INTEGER 0 0 1 AccCodeSource Accounting Code Source Decides how accounting code will be created for stock transactions.

0 — From stock item.

1 — The sum of stock item accounting code and supplier accounting code.
SCW2014 INT INTEGER 0 0 1 AccSegmentSource Accounting Segment Source Decides how accounting string will be created for stock transactions.

0 — From stock item.

1 — Segments missing in stock item accounting string will be taken from supplier accounting string.
SCW2015 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 BatchFromCWH Batch ID from Central Warehouse      
SCW2016 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 SplitProfit Split Profit      
SCW2017 NUMERIC X_NUMERIC 13 8 5 SplitPercent Split Profit Percentage for Selling Company      
SCW2018 NUMERIC X_NUMERIC 13 8 5 ICPAddOnPercent Percentage add-on for ICP Prices      
SCW2019 INT INTEGER 0 0 1 MergeOption Merged Picking List Option 0 — Merge Picking Lists are not created for this warehouse

1 — Merge Picking Lists will be created for this warehouse

2 — Parameter set in ‘CWH definition’ decides whether Merge PLs are created.
SCW2020 NVARCHAR VSTRING 3 0 3 CountryCode Country Code      
SCW2021 INT INTEGER 0 0 1 VATHandlingOpt VAT Handling Option      
SCW2022 INT INTEGER 0 0 1 DocCode Document Layout      
SCW2023 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 CreatePurchStat Create Purchase Statistics      
SCW2024 NVARCHAR VSTRING 10 0 10 NotUsed (obsolete)      
SCW2025 NVARCHAR VSTRING 6 0 6 NotUsed (obsolete)      
SCW2026 NCHAR STRING 12 0 12 BatchCounter Batch Counter      
SCW2027 INT INTEGER 0 0 2 PriceListCurr Currency Code Price List      
SCW2028 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 NoStockUpdate No stock update      
SCW2029 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 GenerateCostTrans Generate cost transactions      
SCW2030 NCHAR STRING 1 0 1 Spare Spare      
SCW2031 NCHAR STRING 1 0 1 Spare Spare      
SCW2032 NCHAR STRING 1 0 1 Spare Spare      

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