Таблица / Table: PR29 — «Project Invoice History File». Маска имени таблицы / Table name mask: «PR29%cc00»
Поле / Field | Тип поля / Field Type | Тип поля Scala / iScala Field Type | Длина поля / Field length | Точность / Precision | Длина Scala / iScala length | Комментарий / Comment | Расширенный комментарий / Extended comment | Дополнительное описание / Additional description | Позиция в индексе / Index position | Первичный ключ? / Is Primary key? |
PR29001 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 12 | 0 | 12 | ProjectNo | Project Number | 1 | Да / Yes | |
PR29002 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 6 | 0 | 6 | SubProject | Sub-Project | 2 | Да / Yes | |
PR29003 | DATETIME | DATE | 0 | 0 | 8 | InvoiceDate | Invoice Date | 3 | Да / Yes | |
PR29004 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 15 | 0 | 15 | InvoiceNo | Invoice Number | 4 | Да / Yes | |
PR29005 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 1 | 0 | 1 | InvTypeStat | Invoice Type | 0 — Initial invoice 1 — Ongoing invoice 2 — Fixed price invoice (ongoing) 3 — Fixed price invoice (invoice plan) 4 — Final invoice (retention) 5 — Repeat invoice 6 — Fixed price invoice (final invoice) |
PR29006 | NUMERIC | MONEY | 28 | 8 | 20 | InvoicedAmou | Invoice Amount (Project Currency) | Total invoice amount including tax, cost and deductions. The amount is in the currency of the project. | ||
PR29007 | NUMERIC | MONEY | 28 | 8 | 20 | InvoicedVAT | Invoice VAT Amount (Project Currency) | VAT amount included in the invoice total | ||
PR29008 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 2 | 0 | 2 | VATcode | VAT Code | |||
PR29009 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 35 | 0 | 35 | ReTxtAnnot1 | Text Annotation Line 1 | |||
PR29010 | NUMERIC | MONEY | 28 | 8 | 20 | DeductAmount | Deducted Advance Amount (Project Currency) | The amount that was deducted from the invoice amount according to previous invoiced advance amount | ||
PR29011 | NUMERIC | MONEY | 28 | 8 | 20 | DeductAmntRetention | Deducted Retention Amount (Project Currency) | The amount that was deducted from the invoice amount to be retained for the final invoice. The amount is in the currency of the project. | ||
PR29012 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 4 | 0 | 4 | LinNoInvPlan | Line Number Invoice Plan | |||
PR29013 | NUMERIC | MONEY | 28 | 8 | 20 | AmNoInclFxPr | Amount Not Included in Fixed Price | Amount part of the invoice that is not included in the fixed price | ||
PR29014 | NUMERIC | MONEY | 28 | 8 | 20 | OCUExchangeRate1 | OCU Exchange Rate 1 | |||
PR29015 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 10 | 0 | 10 | Manager | Resource Code Manager | |||
PR29016 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 1 | 0 | 1 | FinalInvoice | Advance Invoice is Deductible | |||
PR29017 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 1 | 0 | 1 | PriceModel | Price Model | 0 — Ongoing 1 — Fixed Price 2 — Repeat Invoice |
PR29018 | NUMERIC | MONEY | 28 | 8 | 20 | TrRepeAmou | Invoice Amount before Deductions (Project Currency) | |||
PR29019 | NUMERIC | MONEY | 28 | 8 | 20 | FxPriceTime | Fixed Price Time Activities (Project Currency) | For fixed price invoice, the amount related to time activities according to the split defined in the invoice plan. | ||
PR29020 | NUMERIC | MONEY | 28 | 8 | 20 | FxPriceCost | Fixed Price Cost Activities (Project Currency) | For fixed price invoice, the amount related to cost activities according to the split defined in the invoice plan. | ||
PR29021 | NUMERIC | MONEY | 28 | 8 | 20 | FxPriceMater | Fixed Price Material (Project Currency) | For fixed price invoice, the amount related to material according to the split defined in the invoice plan. | ||
PR29022 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 35 | 0 | 35 | TextAnnot2 | Text Annotation Line 2 | |||
PR29023 | NUMERIC | MONEY | 28 | 8 | 20 | Spare | Open Balance Advances (Project Currency) | For advance invoice, the open amount that has not yet been deduct on other invoice. The amount is in the currency of the project. | ||
PR29024 | NUMERIC | MONEY | 28 | 8 | 20 | Spare | Open Balance Advances (Local Currency) | For advance invoice, the open amount that has not yet been deduct on other invoice. The amount is in the currency of the local currency for the company. | ||
PR29025 | NUMERIC | MONEY | 28 | 8 | 20 | DeduCeiPrice | Deducted Ceiling Overrun Amount (Project Currency) | The amount that was deducted from the invoice amount as a result of exceeding the ceiling price for the project | ||
PR29026 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 7 | 0 | 7 | SortOrder | Sort Order | String defining the sort order to be used on the invoice, its created based on the invoice sort order code. | ||
PR29027 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 1 | 0 | 1 | DetailLevel | Detail Level | Value from 1-7 indicating which level in the sort order that should be used as last summary level. | ||
PR29028 | NUMERIC | MONEY | 28 | 8 | 20 | RetensionAmount | Deducted Retention Amount (Local Currency) | The amount that was deducted from the invoice amount to be retained for the final invoice. The amount is in the local currency of the company. | ||
PR29029 | NUMERIC | MONEY | 28 | 8 | 20 | InvoiceAmount | Invoice Amount (Invoice Currency) | Total invoice amount including tax, cost and deductions. The amount is in the currency of the invoice. | ||
PR29030 | INT | INTEGER | 0 | 0 | 2 | InvoiceCurrencyCode | Currency Code Invoice | |||
PR29031 | NUMERIC | X_NUMERIC | 18 | 8 | 10 | OCUExchangeRate2 | OCU Exchange Rate 2 | |||
PR29032 | NCHAR | STRING | 3 | 0 | 3 | OCUExchangeAlgorithm | OCU Exchange Algorithm | |||
PR29033 | INT | INTEGER | 0 | 0 | 2 | CurrencyCodeProject | Currency Code Project | |||
PR29034 | NCHAR | STRING | 15 | 0 | 15 | InvoiceNoOriginalCreditNoteNo | Original Invoice Number/Credit Note | |||
PR29035 | NCHAR | STRING | 10 | 0 | 10 | InvoiceNoCustomer | Customer Code Invoice | |||
PR29036 | NCHAR | STRING | 6 | 0 | 6 | TimeTaxCode | Time Tax Code | |||
PR29037 | NCHAR | STRING | 6 | 0 | 6 | CostTaxCode | Cost Tax Code | |||
PR29038 | NCHAR | STRING | 6 | 0 | 6 | MaterialTaxCode | Material Tax Code | |||
PR29039 | NCHAR | STRING | 6 | 0 | 6 | TaxLiability | Tax Liability | |||
PR29040 | NCHAR | STRING | 4 | 0 | 4 | InvoicePrefix | Invoice Prefix | |||
PR29041 | NCHAR | STRING | 2 | 0 | 2 | PaymentTerm | Payment Term | |||
PR29042 | DATETIME | DATE | 0 | 0 | 8 | InvoiceDueDate | Invoice Due Date | |||
PR29043 | INT | INTEGER | 0 | 0 | 4 | InvoiceCopyNumber | Invoice Copy Number | |||
PR29044 | INT | INTEGER | 0 | 0 | 1 | FlagDocXMLInvoice | Flag Doc XML Invoice | |||
PR29045 | DATETIME | X_DATETIME | 0 | 0 | 17 | InvoiceTime | Invoice Time | |||
PR29046 | NCHAR | STRING | 3 | 0 | 3 | LanCode | Language Code | |||
PR29047 | NCHAR | STRING | 1 | 0 | 1 | DocCode | Document Code | |||
PR29048 | NCHAR | SWITCH | 1 | 0 | 1 | RevenueIsBookedAsBilling | Revenue Is Booked As Billing | |||
PR29049 | NCHAR | STRING | 1 | 0 | 1 | TaxPoint | Tax Point | Tax registration moment | ||
PR29050 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 6 | 0 | 6 | InvoiceIssuerCode | Invoice Issuer Code | |||
PR29051 | NCHAR | STRING | 1 | 0 | 1 | InvoiceCategory | Invoice Category | |||
PR29052 | NUMERIC | MONEY | 28 | 8 | 20 | Tax Amount included into selling price | Tax Amount included into selling price | |||
PR29053 | NCHAR | STRING | 3 | 0 | 3 | TaxationReasonCode | Taxation Reason Code | |||
PR29054 | NUMERIC | X_NUMERIC | 18 | 8 | 10 | ICUExchangeRate1 | ICU Exchange Rate 1 | |||
PR29055 | NUMERIC | X_NUMERIC | 18 | 8 | 10 | ICUExchangeRate2 | ICU Exchange Rate 2 | |||
PR29056 | NCHAR | STRING | 3 | 0 | 3 | ICUExchangeAlgorithm | ICU Exchange Algorithm |
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- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.4 (x64) — 3.4.0399 :: Список системных таблиц / System Tables
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.4 (x64) — 3.4.0399 :: Список таблиц модуля /List of tables of module «Asset Management»
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.4 (x64) — 3.4.0399 :: Список таблиц модуля /List of tables of module «Contract Management»
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.4 (x64) — 3.4.0399 :: Список таблиц модуля /List of tables of module «Direct Invoicing»
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.4 (x64) — 3.4.0399 :: Список таблиц модуля /List of tables of module «General Ledger»
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.4 (x64) — 3.4.0399 :: Список таблиц модуля /List of tables of module «Market Database»
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.4 (x64) — 3.4.0399 :: Список таблиц модуля /List of tables of module «Material Production Control»
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.4 (x64) — 3.4.0399 :: Список таблиц модуля /List of tables of module «Payroll»
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.4 (x64) — 3.4.0399 :: Список таблиц модуля /List of tables of module «Project Management»
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.4 (x64) — 3.4.0399 :: Список таблиц модуля /List of tables of module «Promissory Notes»
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.4 (x64) — 3.4.0399 :: Список таблиц модуля /List of tables of module «Purchase Ledger»
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.4 (x64) — 3.4.0399 :: Список таблиц модуля /List of tables of module «Purchase Order»
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.4 (x64) — 3.4.0399 :: Список таблиц модуля /List of tables of module «Resourse Management»
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.4 (x64) — 3.4.0399 :: Список таблиц модуля /List of tables of module «Sales Ledger»
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.4 (x64) — 3.4.0399 :: Список таблиц модуля /List of tables of module «Sales Order»
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.4 (x64) — 3.4.0399 :: Список таблиц модуля /List of tables of module «Service Order Management»
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.4 (x64) — 3.4.0399 :: Список таблиц модуля /List of tables of module «Statistics»
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.4 (x64) — 3.4.0399 :: Список таблиц модуля /List of tables of module «Stock Control»
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.4 (x64) — 3.4.0399 :: Список таблиц модуля /List of tables of module «System Utilities/Office Automation»