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На один уровень вверх / One level Up: Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.4 (x64) — 3.4.0399 :: Список таблиц модуля /List of tables of module «Service Order Management»

Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.4 (x64) — 3.4.0399 :: Таблица / Table SM15 — Service Contract Parameters

Таблица / Table: SM15 — «Service Contract Parameter File». Маска имени таблицы / Table name mask: «SM15%cc00»

Поле / Field Тип поля / Field Type Тип поля Scala / iScala Field Type Длина поля / Field length Точность / Precision Длина Scala / iScala length Комментарий / Comment Расширенный комментарий / Extended comment Дополнительное описание / Additional description Позиция в индексе / Index position Первичный ключ? / Is Primary key?
SM15001 NCHAR STRING 2 0 2 Year_ Year   1 Да / Yes
SM15002 NUMERIC NUMBER 20 0 1 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15003 NUMERIC NUMBER 20 0 1 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15004 NUMERIC NUMBER 20 0 1 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15005 NUMERIC NUMBER 20 0 1 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15006 NUMERIC NUMBER 20 0 1 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15007 NUMERIC NUMBER 20 0 1 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15008 NUMERIC NUMBER 20 0 1 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15009 NUMERIC NUMBER 20 0 1 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15010 NUMERIC NUMBER 20 0 1 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15011 INT INTEGER 0 0 2 InvCopNo Number of Copies Invoice      
SM15012 INT INTEGER 0 0 2 ContrCopNo Number of Copies Contract      
SM15013 INT INTEGER 0 0 2 LabelsCopyNo Number of Copies Label      
SM15014 INT INTEGER 0 0 2 ReminderCopyNo Number of Copies Reminder      
SM15015 NUMERIC MONEY 28 8 20 InvoiceFee Invoice Fee (Local Currency)      
SM15016 NUMERIC MONEY 28 8 20 LimOnInvFee Invoice Fee Limit (Local Currency)      
SM15017 INT INTEGER 0 0 2 IncrOrdPosit Increment Order Line Number      
SM15018 INT INTEGER 0 0 1 SourceOfCurrency Source of Currency 0 — Contract and invoice currency is taken from price list

1 — Contract and invoice currency is taken from customer

2 — Contract currency is taken from price list. Invoice currency is taken from customer
SM15019 INT INTEGER 0 0 1 DeferralRule Deferral Rule 0 — Deferrals are not created

1 — Deferrals are created manually

2 — Deferrals are created automatically
SM15020 INT INTEGER 0 0 2 CopNoDoc2 Number of Copies Document 1      
SM15021 INT INTEGER 0 0 2 CopNoDoc3 Number of Copies Document 2      
SM15022 INT INTEGER 0 0 2 CopNoCancel Number of Copies Cancellation Document      
SM15023 INT INTEGER 0 0 2 CopNoQuotation Number of Copies Quotation      
SM15024 NUMERIC MONEY 28 8 20 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15025 INT INTEGER 0 0 2 DaysIntHandling Internal Handling in Days      
SM15026 INT INTEGER 0 0 2 SelectedDimension Selected Dimension      
SM15027 NUMERIC MONEY 28 8 20 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15028 NUMERIC MONEY 28 8 20 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15029 NUMERIC X_NUMERIC 20 8 12 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15030 INT INTEGER 0 0 8 DefaultInvoiceSplit Default invoice split      
SM15031 NUMERIC X_NUMERIC 14 8 6 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15032 INT INTEGER 0 0 3 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15033 INT INTEGER 0 0 2 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15034 INT INTEGER 0 0 2 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15035 INT INTEGER 0 0 2 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15036 INT INTEGER 0 0 1 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15037 INT INTEGER 0 0 1 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15038 INT INTEGER 0 0 1 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15039 INT INTEGER 0 0 1 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15040 INT INTEGER 0 0 1 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15041 INT INTEGER 0 0 1 AccountingPeriodForDeferrals Accounting Period for Deferrals      
SM15042 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 DimensionIntegration Dimension Integration      
SM15043 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 Sw2UpdSOStat Update Statistics      
SM15044 NCHAR STRING 1 0 1 TransactionStamping Transaction Stamping 0 — No currency stamp on transactions

1 — Transactions are stamped with currency value

2 — Transactions are stamped with currency date
SM15045 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 Sw4FlClCoCan Delete Closed Contracts      
SM15046 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 Sw5IndClaSta Index Clause as Default      
SM15047 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 SLInvoiceMerge SL Invoice Merge      
SM15048 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 CreditLimitBlockPicking Credit Limit Block Picking      
SM15049 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 Sw8IndAdjDoc Use Index on Other Documents      
SM15050 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 Sw9TakeAccnt Source of Accounting Information 0 — Accounting dimensions are taken from contract type

1 — Accounting dimensions are taken from contract line
SM15051 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 InvoiceHistory Invoice History      
SM15052 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 DiscountAccounting Discount Accounting      
SM15053 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 SNOwnerControl Serial Number Owner Control      
SM15054 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 AccrType Deferrals per Invoice Period      
SM15055 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 GLIntegrated Integrated with General Ledger      
SM15056 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 UseGLTransactionNo Use General Ledger Transaction Number      
SM15057 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 UpdUtilAmntWithContractReservations Update utilized amount with contract reservations      
SM15058 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 UpdUtilAmntWithCustomerReservations Update utilized amount with customer reservations      
SM15059 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15060 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15061 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15062 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15063 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15064 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15065 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15066 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 TimZonName01 Time Zone 1 Name      
SM15067 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 TimZonName02 Time Zone 2 Name      
SM15068 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 TimZonName03 Time Zone 3 Name      
SM15069 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 TimZonName04 Time Zone 4 Name      
SM15070 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 TimZonName05 Time Zone 5 Name      
SM15071 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 TimZonName06 Time Zone 6 Name      
SM15072 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 TimZonName07 Time Zone 7 Name      
SM15073 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 TimZonName08 Time Zone 8 Name      
SM15074 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 TimZonName09 Time Zone 9 Name      
SM15075 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 TimZonName10 Time Zone 10 Name      
SM15076 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 TimZonName11 Time Zone 11 Name      
SM15077 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 TimZonName12 Time Zone 12 Name      
SM15078 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 TimZonName13 Time Zone 13 Name      
SM15079 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 TimZonName14 Time Zone 14 Name      
SM15080 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 TimZonName15 Time Zone 15 Name      
SM15081 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 TimZonName16 Time Zone 16 Name      
SM15082 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 TimZonName17 Time Zone 17 Name      
SM15083 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 TimZonName18 Time Zone 18 Name      
SM15084 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 TimZonName19 Time Zone 19 Name      
SM15085 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 TimZonName20 Time Zone 20 Name      
SM15086 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 TimZonName21 Time Zone 21 Name      
SM15087 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 TimZonName22 Time Zone 22 Name      
SM15088 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 TimZonName23 Time Zone 23 Name      
SM15089 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 TimZonName24 Time Zone 24 Name      
SM15090 NUMERIC X_NUMERIC 14 8 6 ZonOffsHrs01 Time Zone 1 Hours Offset to GMT      
SM15091 NUMERIC X_NUMERIC 14 8 6 ZonOffsHrs02 Time Zone 2 Hours Offset to GMT      
SM15092 NUMERIC X_NUMERIC 14 8 6 ZonOffsHrs03 Time Zone 3 Hours Offset to GMT      
SM15093 NUMERIC X_NUMERIC 14 8 6 ZonOffsHrs04 Time Zone 4 Hours Offset to GMT      
SM15094 NUMERIC X_NUMERIC 14 8 6 ZonOffsHrs05 Time Zone 5 Hours Offset to GMT      
SM15095 NUMERIC X_NUMERIC 14 8 6 ZonOffsHrs06 Time Zone 6 Hours Offset to GMT      
SM15096 NUMERIC X_NUMERIC 14 8 6 ZonOffsHrs07 Time Zone 7 Hours Offset to GMT      
SM15097 NUMERIC X_NUMERIC 14 8 6 ZonOffsHrs08 Time Zone 8 Hours Offset to GMT      
SM15098 NUMERIC X_NUMERIC 14 8 6 ZonOffsHrs09 Time Zone 9 Hours Offset to GMT      
SM15099 NUMERIC X_NUMERIC 14 8 6 ZonOffsHrs10 Time Zone 10 Hours Offset to GMT      
SM15100 NUMERIC X_NUMERIC 14 8 6 ZonOffsHrs11 Time Zone 11 Hours Offset to GMT      
SM15101 NUMERIC X_NUMERIC 14 8 6 ZonOffsHrs12 Time Zone 12 Hours Offset to GMT      
SM15102 NUMERIC X_NUMERIC 14 8 6 ZonOffsHrs13 Time Zone 13 Hours Offset to GMT      
SM15103 NUMERIC X_NUMERIC 14 8 6 ZonOffsHrs14 Time Zone 14 Hours Offset to GMT      
SM15104 NUMERIC X_NUMERIC 14 8 6 ZonOffsHrs15 Time Zone 15 Hours Offset to GMT      
SM15105 NUMERIC X_NUMERIC 14 8 6 ZonOffsHrs16 Time Zone 16 Hours Offset to GMT      
SM15106 NUMERIC X_NUMERIC 14 8 6 ZonOffsHrs17 Time Zone 17 Hours Offset to GMT      
SM15107 NUMERIC X_NUMERIC 14 8 6 ZonOffsHrs18 Time Zone 18 Hours Offset to GMT      
SM15108 NUMERIC X_NUMERIC 14 8 6 ZonOffsHrs19 Time Zone 19 Hours Offset to GMT      
SM15109 NUMERIC X_NUMERIC 14 8 6 ZonOffsHrs20 Time Zone 20 Hours Offset to GMT      
SM15110 NUMERIC X_NUMERIC 14 8 6 ZonOffsHrs21 Time Zone 21 Hours Offset to GMT      
SM15111 NUMERIC X_NUMERIC 14 8 6 ZonOffsHrs22 Time Zone 22 Hours Offset to GMT      
SM15112 NUMERIC X_NUMERIC 14 8 6 ZonOffsHrs23 Time Zone 23 Hours Offset to GMT      
SM15113 NUMERIC X_NUMERIC 14 8 6 ZonOffsHrs24 Time Zone 24 Hours Offset to GMT      
SM15114 NCHAR STRING 20 0 20 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15115 NCHAR STRING 20 0 20 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15116 NCHAR STRING 10 0 10 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15117 NCHAR STRING 10 0 10 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15118 NCHAR STRING 10 0 10 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15119 DATETIME DATE 0 0 8 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15120 DATETIME DATE 0 0 8 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15121 NCHAR STRING 6 0 6 Spare Journal Code Accruals      
SM15122 NCHAR STRING 6 0 6 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15123 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15124 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15125 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15126 NCHAR STRING 2 0 2 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15127 NCHAR STRING 2 0 2 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15128 NCHAR STRING 2 0 2 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15129 NCHAR STRING 2 0 2 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15130 NCHAR STRING 2 0 2 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15131 NCHAR STRING 2 0 2 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15132 NCHAR STRING 1 0 1 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15133 NCHAR STRING 1 0 1 Spare (obsolete)      
SM15134 INT INTEGER 0 0 2 DeferralsEntryDay Day on which Deferrals are Booked      
SM15135 INT INTEGER 0 0 2 InvoiceIntervalLength Maximum Invoice Interval Length in years      
SM15136 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 DefaultContractType Default Contract Type      
SM15137 NCHAR STRING 1 0 1 DefaultContractNature Default Contract Nature      
SM15138 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 ServiceEntryType Service Entry Type      
SM15139 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 ServiceContractType Service Contract Type      
SM15140 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 SalesEntryType Sales Entry Type      
SM15141 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 SalesContractType Sales Contract Type      
SM15142 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 PurchaseEntryType Purchase Entry Type      
SM15143 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 PurchaseContractType Purchase Contract Type      
SM15144 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 LeaseEntryType Lease Entry Type      
SM15145 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 LeaseContractType Lease Contract Type      
SM15146 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 RentalEntryType Rental Entry Type      
SM15147 NCHAR STRING 3 0 3 RentalContractType Rental Contract Type      
SM15148 INT INTEGER 0 0 1 CreateElectronicContract Create Electronic Contract      
SM15149 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 CreditCheckService Credit Check Service      
SM15150 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 CreditCheckLease Credit Check Lease      
SM15151 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 CreditCheckSales Credit Check Sales      
SM15152 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 CreditCheckLine Credit Check Line      
SM15153 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 CreditCheckSkipAdditional Credit Check Skip Additional      
SM15154 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 CreditCheckExit Credit Check Exit      
SM15155 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 CreditLimitBlockQuotation Credit Limit Block Quotation      
SM15156 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 CreditLimitBlockEntry Credit Limit Block Entry      
SM15157 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 CreditLimitBlockReservation Credit Limit Block Reservation      
SM15158 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 CreditLimitBlockAllocation Credit Limit Block Allocation      
SM15159 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 CreditLimitBlockDelivery Credit Limit Block Delivery      
SM15160 NCHAR SWITCH 1 0 1 CreditLimitBlockServiceOrder Credit Limit Block Service Order      
SM15161 NCHAR STRING 1 0 1 TaxPoint Tax Point      

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