Таблица / Table: GL60 — «Allocation Description File». Маска имени таблицы / Table name mask: «GL60%cc00»
Поле / Field | Тип поля / Field Type | Тип поля Scala / iScala Field Type | Длина поля / Field length | Точность / Precision | Длина Scala / iScala length | Комментарий / Comment | Расширенный комментарий / Extended comment | Дополнительное описание / Additional description | Позиция в индексе / Index position | Первичный ключ? / Is Primary key? |
GL60001 | NCHAR | STRING | 2 | 0 | 2 | Category | Compound Category | 1 | Да / Yes | |
GL60002 | NCHAR | STRING | 1 | 0 | 1 | Type | Type | Allocation type: 0 — Transaction based allocation. 1 — Balance based allocation. 2 — Reversing balance based allocation. |
2 | Да / Yes |
GL60003 | INT | INTEGER | 0 | 0 | 4 | AllocNum | Allocation Number | 3 | Да / Yes | |
GL60004 | INT | INTEGER | 0 | 0 | 2 | Tier | Compound Tier | |||
GL60005 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 8 | 0 | 8 | Spare | (obsolete) | |||
GL60006 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 12 | 0 | 12 | MinimumAccount | Minimum Account | |||
GL60007 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 12 | 0 | 12 | MaximumAccount | Maximum Account | |||
GL60008 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 12 | 0 | 12 | MinimumDimension1 | Minimum Accounting Dimension 1 | |||
GL60009 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 12 | 0 | 12 | Maximumdimension1 | Maximum Accounting Dimension 1 | |||
GL60010 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 12 | 0 | 12 | MinimumDimension2 | Minimum Accounting Dimension 2 | |||
GL60011 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 12 | 0 | 12 | Maximumdimension2 | Maximum Accounting Dimension 2 | |||
GL60012 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 12 | 0 | 12 | Minimumdim3 | Minimum Accounting Dimension 3 | |||
GL60013 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 12 | 0 | 12 | Maximumdim3 | Maximum Accounting Dimension 3 | |||
GL60014 | NCHAR | STRING | 8 | 0 | 8 | Flagsin | Selection Flags (In) | A string of 8 characters where each character is a flag between 0 and 3 and it’s used to select which transaction lines that shall be selected when running the compound allocation. Each transaction line has a similar field of 8 character that stores the flags for the transaction line (GL06030). 0 — Select transaction lines that have 0 in the same position 1 — Select transaction lines that have 1 in the same position 2 — Select transaction lines that have 2 in the same position 3 — Select transaction lines that have 3 in the same position |
GL60015 | NCHAR | STRING | 8 | 0 | 8 | FlagsOUT | Selection Flags (Out) | A string of 8 character used for selection of transaction lines. This string defines the value each flag on the transaction line should have after the compound allocation has been executed. | ||
GL60016 | NCHAR | STRING | 6 | 0 | 6 | Lastrun | Date Run Period | |||
GL60017 | NCHAR | STRING | 1 | 0 | 1 | Flagcondition | Condition Option | 0 — Allocation will only be run on debit balance. 1 — Allocation will only be run on credit balance. 2 — Allocation will be run for both debit and credit balances. |
GL60018 | NCHAR | STRING | 1 | 0 | 1 | Shifttime | Shift Time Unit | Time unit to be used for shift transaction in time (quantity defined by GL60019): 2 — Days 3 — Weeks 4 — Months 5 — Years 9 — Periods |
GL60019 | INT | INTEGER | 0 | 0 | 4 | Shifttimereversal | Shift Time Reversal | Shift date based on number of days, weeks, months, years or periods (1-9999). The reversal transactions is shifted ahead in time from the originating transaction date. Time unit is defined by GL60018. | ||
GL60020 | NCHAR | STRING | 8 | 0 | 8 | FlagsNEW | Selection Flags (New Transaction Lines) | A string of 8 character used for selection of transaction lines. This string defines the value each flag shall have on transaction lines created as a result of a compound allocation. | ||
GL60021 | INT | INTEGER | 0 | 0 | 2 | ReversedTier | Reversed Tier | |||
GL60022 | NCHAR | STRING | 2 | 0 | 2 | Reversedcategory | Reversed Category | |||
GL60023 | INT | INTEGER | 0 | 0 | 4 | ReversedAllocation | Reversed Allocation | |||
GL60024 | NCHAR | STRING | 1 | 0 | 1 | Spare2 | (obsolete) | |||
GL60025 | NVARCHAR | ACCSTR | 120 | 0 | 120 | Dimaccstr | Accounting Dimensions (4-9) | Action for each accounting dimension on new transactions: [blank] — Leave accounting dimension blank, A valid accounting dimension or a string with wildcards. Wildcards: % — Copy character, $$ — Financial year, ### — Country code, ** — Insert company code, Anything else is literal. |
GL60026 | NCHAR | STRING | 1 | 0 | 1 | Seltypeaccount | Selection Type Account | Type of test to be used for defined selection interval: 0 — Testing on full string (std). 1 — Testing character by character 2 — Testing on value range |
GL60027 | NCHAR | STRING | 1 | 0 | 1 | Seltypedim1 | Selection Type Account Dimension 1 | Type of test to be used for defined selection interval: 0 — Testing on full string (std). 1 — Testing character by character 2 — Testing on value range |
GL60028 | NCHAR | STRING | 1 | 0 | 1 | Seltypedim2 | Selection Type Account Dimension 2 | Type of test to be used for defined selection interval: 0 — Testing on full string (std). 1 — Testing character by character 2 — Testing on value range |
GL60029 | NCHAR | STRING | 1 | 0 | 1 | Seltypedim3 | Selection Type Account Dimension 3 | Type of test to be used for defined selection interval: 0 — Testing on full string (std). 1 — Testing character by character 2 — Testing on value range |
GL60030 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 12 | 0 | 12 | MinimumDimension4 | Minimum Accounting Dimension 4 | |||
GL60031 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 12 | 0 | 12 | MaximumDimension4 | Maximum Accounting Dimension 4 | |||
GL60032 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 12 | 0 | 12 | MinimumDimension5 | Minimum Accounting Dimension 5 | |||
GL60033 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 12 | 0 | 12 | MaximumDimension5 | Maximum Accounting Dimension 5 | |||
GL60034 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 12 | 0 | 12 | MinimumDimension6 | Minimum Accounting Dimension 6 | |||
GL60035 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 12 | 0 | 12 | MaximumDimension6 | Maximum Accounting Dimension 6 | |||
GL60036 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 12 | 0 | 12 | MinimumDimension7 | Minimum Accounting Dimension7 | |||
GL60037 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 12 | 0 | 12 | MaximumDimension7 | Maximum Accounting Dimension 7 | |||
GL60038 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 12 | 0 | 12 | MinimumDimension8 | Minimum Accounting Dimension 8 | |||
GL60039 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 12 | 0 | 12 | MaximumDimension8 | Maximum Accounting Dimension 8 | |||
GL60040 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 12 | 0 | 12 | MinimumDimension9 | Minimum Accounting Dimension 9 | |||
GL60041 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 12 | 0 | 12 | MaximumDimension9 | Maximum Accounting Dimension 9 | |||
GL60042 | NCHAR | STRING | 1 | 0 | 1 | Seltypedim4 | Selection Type Accounting Dimension 4 | |||
GL60043 | NCHAR | STRING | 1 | 0 | 1 | Seltypedim5 | Selection Type Accounting Dimension 5 | |||
GL60044 | NCHAR | STRING | 1 | 0 | 1 | Seltypedim6 | Selection Type Accounting Dimension 6 | |||
GL60045 | NCHAR | STRING | 1 | 0 | 1 | Seltypedim7 | Selection Type Accounting Dimension 7 | |||
GL60046 | NCHAR | STRING | 1 | 0 | 1 | Seltypedim8 | Selection Type Accounting Dimension 8 | |||
GL60047 | NCHAR | STRING | 1 | 0 | 1 | Seltypedim9 | Selection Type Accounting Dimension 9 | |||
GL60048 | NVARCHAR | VSTRING | 36 | 0 | 36 | TextCondensed | Condensed Text |
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- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.2 (x64) — 3.2.0317 :: Список системных таблиц / System Tables
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.2 (x64) — 3.2.0317 :: Список таблиц модуля «Управление Основными Средствами»/List of tables of module «Asset Management»
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.2 (x64) — 3.2.0317 :: Список таблиц модуля «Управление Контрактами»/List of tables of module «Contract Management»
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.2 (x64) — 3.2.0317 :: Список таблиц модуля «Прямая выписка счетов»/List of tables of module «Direct Invoicing»
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.2 (x64) — 3.2.0317 :: Список таблиц модуля «Главная Книга»/List of tables of module «General Ledger»
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.2 (x64) — 3.2.0317 :: Список таблиц модуля «Управление Ресурсами»/List of tables of module «Resourse Management»
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.2 (x64) — 3.2.0317 :: Список таблиц модуля «База Данных рынка»/List of tables of module «Market Database»
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.2 (x64) — 3.2.0317 :: Список таблиц модуля «Управление Материалами в Производстве»/List of tables of module «Material Production Control»
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.2 (x64) — 3.2.0317 :: Список таблиц модуля «Заказы на Продажу»/List of tables of module «Sales Order»
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.2 (x64) — 3.2.0317 :: Список таблиц модуля «Зарплата»/List of tables of module «Payroll»
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.2 (x64) — 3.2.0317 :: Список таблиц модуля «Заказ на Закупку»/List of tables of module «Purchase Order»
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.2 (x64) — 3.2.0317 :: Список таблиц модуля «Книга Закупок»/List of tables of module «Purchase Ledger»
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.2 (x64) — 3.2.0317 :: Список таблиц модуля «Долговые обязательства»/List of tables of module «Promissory Notes»
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.2 (x64) — 3.2.0317 :: Список таблиц модуля «Управление Проектами»/List of tables of module «Project Management»
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.2 (x64) — 3.2.0317 :: Список таблиц модуля «Управление Запасами»/List of tables of module «Stock Control»
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.2 (x64) — 3.2.0317 :: Список таблиц модуля «Книга Продаж»/List of tables of module «Sales Ledger»
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.2 (x64) — 3.2.0317 :: Список таблиц модуля «Управление заказом на обслуживание»/List of tables of module «Service Order Management»
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.2 (x64) — 3.2.0317 :: Список таблиц модуля «Статистика»/List of tables of module «Statistics»
- Структура таблиц / Table structure Epicor iScala 3.2 (x64) — 3.2.0317 :: Список таблиц модуля «Системные Утилиты/Автом. Офиса»/List of tables of module «System Utilities/Office Autom.»