The most common mistake when working with AFR reports

Very often people who are using MS SQL Server Reporting Services and AFR, begin to «walk» through folders and find mistakes of 2 types:

  • First mistake: Call of AFR report NOT through AFR server (URL contain port number at the end of Server Name, for example, «:8000»), but directly from MS SQL Server Reporting Services (URL does not contain port number at the end of Server Name):

In the picture below you see AFR folder with the correct URL:

Папка с отчётами AFRIf we now call any of AFR reports, it will be displayed correctly:

Отчёт AFR отображён корректноIf you make a call of the same report without port :8000 at the end of the server name, you will receive an error:

Ошибка вызова отчёта AFR

  • Second mistake: Call of NOT AFR report using AFR Server (URL contain port number at the end of Server Name, for example, «:8000»), but NOT directly using MS SQL Server Reporting Services (without port number at the end of Server Name):

In the picture below you see NOT AFR report with incorrect URL (with port number :8000 at the end in URL):

Отчёт НЕ AFR, вызванный через сервер AFR выдаёт ошибкуSame report called correctly (without :8000 at the end of Server Name) now displayed correctly:

Обычный отчёт отображается корректно, если он вызван без :8000 на конце имени сервера

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